Wednesday, December 15, 2010

November and then some

Well life has picked up the pace a bit.
November went flying by... pun intended.

The weather was absolutely fantastic! Best November I can remember. Next to no rain, very little "windy days"... just happiness. Loads of flying.

Here we are and it's nearly half way through December?!
The weather's settled back to a more normal "changeable" cycle as of late. We're still getting some absolutely spectacular days though. We're just now getting unflyable days as well... we were able to fly virtually every day in November... unheard of. We still seem to get some of the day in still even if it's pretty buggered otherwise.

Still hitting the gym when I can. Especially now that we've got some bad weather days, it's gotten a bit easier. It was a bit of a struggle in November. It seems now that I'm able to get back to an every other day schedule. It gets pushed back a day every now and again while waiting for some bad weather to help out.

Most of the company's crews are settled in for the season. Old friends are back. Most of the flats are sorted and everyone's pretty set up, so now it's just "work" and play.

Leg's going strong. Still have a touch of swelling below the kneecap, but I hear that that bit takes forever to go away. No worries.
