Sunday, April 27, 2008


In case you haven't noticed, I don't post as much when I'm in the states. Just a bit more of a mellow life here.

The airport house is geek central these days. It's me, Adam and Zach... all hardcore geeks. Well, we got a movie projector and hooked up the Wii and a computer to it. We have no TV. We have movies on demand over the internet (with netflix). Any TV stuff we download. The Wii is the kicker though. I've never played it on a TV... and now I never can. Once you play bowling in life size, a tv sceen just ain't gonna cut it. Lately we've been playing lots of golf and guitar hero. Hahahahaha... it's insane.

Me and Zach got our car running too. He did the majority of the crap over the winter and I fixed the alternator and belts a few days ago. It's nice to be mobile again. Of course the furthest I really go is a couple miles to the grocery store, but hey... sometimes you NEED some ice cream right?

Got the "phantom" ultralight all nice and cleaned up too (yeah, it's called a phantom). It's nice to be able to just go fly whenever I like... hell, I live at an airport right?!

Well that's all that's going on around here for the moment.
See ya


pat rooney said...

the wii on a big screen? WOW didn't think of that! Yeah we can introduced at McCarthy's. Uncle Tom uses it for physical therapy. It's a blast! Dad tried bowling and golf.

Antc said...

We have our WII connected to the TV in the dining room. Yes a bigger screen would be neat, but in our case we would have to remove the dining room table. As it is we have to make room by pushing the dining room table against the opposite wall. Steve and Uncle Tom have been playing Tiger Woods golf game just about every night. I played it once. I am glad we have the WII. We also have an Olympic Winter Sports game for it. I hold the record for 500meter speed skating. AC