Sunday, July 01, 2012

Coro Street?
So, for some odd reason (I do this every couple years), I decided to see if TV was as bad as I remember it. After many years of on-demand style "TV" (Netflix,Hulu,etc), broadcast/cable TV pretty much... well... in a word... rubbish.

Instead of wandering the 1,000 channels (not kidding, 1k+), I just plug in channel one and see what's on the first ten or so.... when I stumble over... Coronation Street???

This will tell you how little I know of Coro Street... I only know it from NZ... to me, it's a local NZ soap opera that it seems all the Kiwi's are hooked on. The US version would be something like Dallas maybe.

I had no idea it was Brittish... haahahhahahaa... till I just had it on and thought... damn... that's no kiwi accent! That sounds brittish/scottish/something-else.

Anyway... might have to see what's available on TV1 through the net now that I can pull up internet on my TV.


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