Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jailbreak :)

With a price.

Yesterday I was feeling much better. Just in time too as we had a very busy day. We've not had much work lately, so it was nice to have a full on busy day. In fact, the whole time I was sick, I didn't need to fly anyway. I was quite happy to be recovered enough to fly. Well, almost recovered enough, as it would turn out.

I noticed as the day went on, I was losing my voice. Just the same as if I were shouting a lot, but I wasn't shouting. In fact I started talking less and less. Now, my job requires a good amount of talking. But I was limiting things. By the end of the day I sounded like the godfather.

Today I don't sound like anything. I can't talk. I feel fine otherwise, I just can't talk. Well, I can in a sort of "old man in the hospital gasping for air" sort of way. My flatmate's flying the one customer I had on today. Weather's going to hell and the schedule's light, so no worries there. It'll be nice when all this is over though.


1 comment:

pat rooney said...

Well even though you can't talk, I'm glad you could still write. lol Glad to hear that you are feeling better. It must be in the air. Dad was like you last week. LOL It all circulates, eh?
Happy Valentine's DAY!