Sunday, September 26, 2010

Down stairs

Walking down stairs is, and has always been, one of the most difficult tasks with this.
Your knee has to bend a lot and you use the muscles that have been decimated by surgery.

So I am extremely happy that I can go down stairs with ease these days.

The popping/cracking in my knee has migrated. This is apparently normal, and makes sense, as things reorganise. The swelling's going down and things are shifting around. Scar tissues tearing away and generally there's a lot going on in there.

The popping that used to happen when I straightened my leg came and went a long time ago. One day, I had it pop when I was sitting with my leg straight and shifted my weight a bit... that was weird.

These days it's when I'm walking down stairs.
It's great when it goes.
Before it lets go, I can feel a little resistance under my kneecap... sorta like an air bubble.. and my knee doesn't flex totally right. Once it pops, my knee moves normally. I've taken to walking up and down the tallest stairs in town like it's a treadmill ;)



Unknown said...

So glad to hear that you have improved so well. John pulled his hamstring this past August, but did not require surgery. He was running when it happened. He is just now reached the point where he can walk around his apartment without a cain, but he said if he over does it he knows it.

Also like the new look of your web page. Autumn is coming fast here and I am sure summer is there. Hope you continue with the great recovery. AC

Unknown said...

It is nice to read about your adventures. I always wanted to travel the world, but other things got in the way. Live the dream. AC

Jim said...

Glad you like my ramblings :)

Yeah, surgery sucks bigtime. Even just pulling your hamstring can't be fun. They took tendon from mine to fix my knee. Afterwards, I couldn't even lift my heel off the bed while lying on my stomach! I'm much better now, but it was a LOT of work. Hope John feels better soon.